The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
the finding tool for federal publications that includes descriptive information for historical
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and current publications as well as direct links to the full document, when available; search
by authoring agency, title, subject, and general keywords
view and share free educational material in small modules that can be organized as
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view and share free educational material in small modules that can be organized as
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This is an example of personalized, student-centered inquiry learning based on the models of Carole Kuhlthau and Barbara Stripling. Over half of the time students work on the inquiry, they are asked to spend in Exploration of various sources and related topics. Then they make a choice for their focus area from within the broad perspective of Globalization. This example follows a focus area of sustainable agriculture. Students are also immersed in literature related to themes of Globalization such as interdependence of human society, identity and diversity, building peace, and environmental sustainability.
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