Monday, June 18, 2018

Toss Your Textbooks - Textbooks are NOT Enough Anymore!!!

Textbooks are tools of the past.

In the last century, textbooks were used to present textual information covering the curriculum for a course.  These books were written to address the accepted material and teachers found it simple to assign successive chapters until they completed the book.  Students were assigned the study questions at the end of each chapter and tested using the accompanying exams. It was generally thought that the topic was covered when the students completed the textbook.

While textbooks can be useful, they shouldn't be the only resources for information. Learning shouldn't be limited to text and lecture.  The world is abound with a seemingly endless collection of media that can be used as learning resources.  Not everyone prefers to learn by reading and listening.  While critics are questioning the existence of learning styles, they admit that people can have learning preferences for receiving information and processing it into knowledge.  The Universal Design for Learning movement advocates introducing learners to new information in multiple formats and encouraging them to demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of venues.

This is not promoted by the standard textbook format.  Publishers are providing a plethora of resources to augment their published products. There are accompanying websites which hold videos and online exams.  They offer teachers the opportunity to customize their textbooks so they only have the chapters that are relevant to their classes. But is it enough?

Most K-12 and Higher Education teachers want to offer more.  They want to have an online venue where they can combine relevant resources that will augment or replace the typical textbook with multiple forms of media.   The only problem is where can such a site exist?

Enter the Creation of Readings, Watchings, Listenings, and Doings better known as RWLDs.

An RWLD is a centralized website where educators can post resources for their students.  It is simple to use and access.  It is a system that will enable educators to customize their offerings to best fit their students' needs.   The original RWLD was created using Blogger but you can use any type of website configuration.

You probably use something like an RWLD.  How do you provide additional resources for your learners?  Share your ideas and comments in the comments below.

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